Call For Papers
This workshop invites contributions in the realm of news recommendation and analytics. In addition to technical papers, we welcome interdisciplinary submissions. In this year’s edition, we mainly focus on three themes: news personalization, news analytics, and the effect of Large Language Models (LLMs) on the news eco-system. Topics of interest for this workshop include but are not limited to:
News Personalization
Context-aware news recommender systems
News recommendation in social media
Multi-modal news recommendation
User behavior analysis and user interest modeling in the news domain
User modeling and user profiling
Applications of data mining for personalized search and navigation
Personalized news user interface and visualization
Diversity and multiperspectivity in news personalization and recommendation
News Analytics
News semantics and ontologies
Adaptive and personalized news summarization, categorization, and opinion mining
Social Graph and heterogeneous network analysis
User segmentation and community discovery
Big data technologies for news streams
News framing research
Automated news generation
News political leaning and tone
News trends and evolution
Large Language Models
Automated News Generation
LLMs for News Analytics
LLMs and Fake News/Misinformation
LLMs for News Personalization